About NLMM®


The method and it’s founders…

The Non-Linear Movement Method® has been developed over the past 20 years by world renowned embodiment teacher and intimacy coach Michaela Boehm, with co-founder Steve James.

Utilising principles of trauma therapy, polyvagal theory, and movement for nervous system regulation, the NLMM® is a powerful somatic practice that connects you with the innate wisdom of your body. The method encourages an identifying and unwinding of the patterns of contraction and through gentle, non-force movements relieves the bodily tension and underlying mental loops. The result is a systematic, self-guided unburdening of the nervous system.

This method has many deep, powerful applications :

  • Smooths out the nervous system

  • Processes and identifies emotions.

  • Awakens erotic energy and sensual sensation.

  • Releases trauma patterns into flow.

  • Unites mind and body in intimacy with physical sensation.

  • Creates high bodily responsiveness.

  • Opens access to bodily wisdom.

Why practice NLMM®?

Flight. Fight. Freeze.

In these most challenging of times we can find ourselves living in the flight/fight/freeze mode - stress, anxiety, numbness, overwhelm and so on. In these states the sympathetic nervous system is at work, we are in survival mode. But to live in that state constantly wears down the nervous and immune systems, we are more susceptible to dis-ease, our energy and mood is low, reducing our quality of life.



To get our body into rest/digest mode where we are calm, energised, and grounded, movement and release resets the body into wellbeing. This allows the parasympathetic nervous system to come on-line and help restore balance. Practicing the NLMM® can help the body heal from trauma, sensitising it by feeling what is there to be felt, to live a life full of vitality.


What to expect.

Expect a sensitising to sensations, emotions, and creative thought, releasing of old patterns of contraction and hold, and smoothing out of your entire nervous system so it can reset into wellbeing.

The class will focus on the foundation technique "Moving What You Are Feeling" - this is akin to flossing your teeth! A self care practice for the body to allow feelings of stuck-ness to flow.

The NLMM® is done on a mat, with eyes closed, moving continuously for the whole session. You'll be guided throughout the class by very specific verbal cues, with an underscore of specially curated music. 


“My body really spoke to me, and I feel like I haven’t listened to it at all recently. It was really profound.”

— Emma. Journalist.